Wednesday, June 10, 2009

refresh, smrefresh!

Long ago, when I signed up for More Things on A Stick, I spent a lot of time looking at new blog templates. For one reason or another, I didn't like them....either the colors or the logos or the typefaces/fonts or the number of columns or the combination of the above.

Ideally, I would really like to just design my own. For a personal blog, I have used a template in blogger that is a bit more blank and could at least get the photo I wanted into the heading at the top of the blog but couldn't control the typeface. For the personal blog, I post a lot of photos and have been REALLY frustrated with blogger regarding how the photos display. You can't really see how they will look in this composing window....not to mention that the window is too small...and the preview also doesn't really show how they will look either.

If I were accomplished in html...maybe placing photos or sizing them would work better. I suspect that the templates control a certain amount of what is going on with placement and sizing of photos??? It has been so frustrating to want to make something look a certain way and have it not appear that way when done. It has occurred to me to investigate the other blogging sites...

So, yes, I have looked at blog templates but I'm staying with what I have, thank you very much!

Friday, May 30, 2008

23 Things on a Stick Redux, thing 1

23 Things on a Stick is going again, Round 2...May 15 to Sept 15. Registering again so that I can make the time to revisit some of the things that I didn't fully "get" the first time.

Since I began the project the first time around, I have set up 2 other blogs and several wikis. Not blogging my brains out but know they can be used in whatever way one chooses.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

thing 23, done!


I did this solo. I had hoped that a colleague would participate but colleague got bogged down and frustrated.

Some things should be broken down into separate things or smaller. There are too many possibilities, e.g. Thing 13.

As I wrote in the survey, I am now running 3 blogs, and a wiki. I am thinking of suggesting some of these tools for the fire librarians group I belong to.
I am still thinking about what else could be used for the library. I do think that giving our library patrons a place to talk back and ask for us to try to acquire things will be a starting place!

In one sentence or less: While 23 Things on A Stick is a great learning tool, and better than sliced bread, it takes longer to accomplish than baking!

Yes, I would participate in learning more things...just give more time to complete. Deadline, however is good.

Thanks for all your hard work in putting this together.

I am going to repurpose the blog so it can be for the library itself and not a record of my own work.

thing 22 keeping current

I am going to look some more at the suggestions you give on this page

I am maintaining 3 blogs as a result of this project and have set up one wiki and taught 5 other people (4 in their 50s, and one in their late 20s) how to use the wiki.

Yes, there is more that I can be doing...but it's not all that shabby!

It's just hard to remember to keep looking at different things like RSS feeds, etc. etc.

I think that I need more understanding of RSS feeds and need to revisit that.

thing 20

I did made a Facebook page for the library. For those of you who are Facebook members, you can see it at:

right now it is bare bones.

I joined the Libraries Using Facebook Pages group.

I posted to my own wall.

I watched 5 videos on different parts of facebook but was stil confused about setting up the page for the library. It is different to set up a page than join as a person.

I didn't want to put my real name in as you still have to join up with an actual I finally got to one that Facebook would accept. I am not sure that the profile is edited correctly.

The library spaces on MySpace were for public library teens. Lots of advertisements, which I don't like - distracting.

The reason I made a library page in Facebook is to make our library more visible as we are hard to find.

Thing 21 Other Social Networks

Yelp, reviews looks interesting. It might be worth joining just because so many people have trouble finding us or knowing about us.

I joined the 23 Things on a Stick Ning and added a comment to the discussion When/Where are you finding time to work on the 23 things.
I've also added the small 23 Things Ning badge to the sidebar of the blog. I will have to remember that the widgets for the slideshow, music player, and video player are on the same page as the badges.

Steve Campion's Aug 30, 2007 article in WebJunction (I am a member of Web Junction and even think I know where my password is!) makes the most relevant point I've read about social networking:
"Learning about social networking through a site that interests a specific individual helps him/her understand why millions of people ...invest time in the social web."

This is only too true.

I am a member of a social networking site based on a hobby/arts interest. It was one I had to get on a waiting list to join and then receive an admission from the site administrators. It is a great place for learning and finding out about new things going on in this area of interest. It is totally engrossing. It's well designed and doesn't have flashing flashy intrusive advertisements. As a matter of fact, someone recently posted a discussion thread there about why the site is better than MySpace. Many responses were from people who fit right into the target MySpace demographic and they said things like they liked the lack of offensive advertising and lack of drunken photo/content and that the people there were all there for the same reason, a shared interest.

The Houghton Mifflin Peterson Guide information mentioned in the Can Get Book Lovers Online article (thanks Nan Hoekstra for posting the link to the article in the comments to this thing) had to be searched for. It appears that exceprts from these nature guides may have stopped in December...too bad. seemed a bit hard to find content/navigate, but then perhaps this is just idiosyncratic of all social networking sites that are unexplored.

I am thinking that the Ning, Wiki and/or blog might be useful to set up for a Fire Librarian's group I belong to!

Monday, April 7, 2008

almost to thing 23 and some comments

I only have 3 more things until Thing 23 ..... I am motivated to finish this!!!

It is very useful but very time consuming!!!!