Wednesday, April 9, 2008

thing 23, done!


I did this solo. I had hoped that a colleague would participate but colleague got bogged down and frustrated.

Some things should be broken down into separate things or smaller. There are too many possibilities, e.g. Thing 13.

As I wrote in the survey, I am now running 3 blogs, and a wiki. I am thinking of suggesting some of these tools for the fire librarians group I belong to.
I am still thinking about what else could be used for the library. I do think that giving our library patrons a place to talk back and ask for us to try to acquire things will be a starting place!

In one sentence or less: While 23 Things on A Stick is a great learning tool, and better than sliced bread, it takes longer to accomplish than baking!

Yes, I would participate in learning more things...just give more time to complete. Deadline, however is good.

Thanks for all your hard work in putting this together.

I am going to repurpose the blog so it can be for the library itself and not a record of my own work.


23 Things said...

Congratulations on finishing all 23 Things. Sounds like it was worth it for you and your library. Great!

Watch for More On a Stick with different tools in the fall and winter.

Captain Crone said...

Nice job! And it is good to see that you are planning to continue using some of the Thin gs you found most useful.
